Swift is the brand name for a fantastic and reliable verruca treatment. Verrucae are warts on the feet and are caused by a viral infection. Swift is unique in that it uses microwave energy to stimulate an immune response, then your body does the rest! It is advantageous because it does not require anaesthetic; does not break the skin and also generates lifelong immunity to the virus. Traditional methods such as acids and cryotherapy are notoriously unreliable, ineffective and can cause damage.

Swift Microwave for Verrucae

The HPV virus infects skin cells where it is good at evading the immune system. It grows and can become uncomfortable and unsightly, often persisting for many years.

Swift Mircrowave is applied
The specialist equipment is precisely applied to the wart where it emits microwaves to the specific area. This causes heat to be generated within the skin cells, which triggers several immune reactions.

Your body’s immune system deals with the viral infection and the skin tissue heals. You are wart free!
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Canal Way
TA19 9FE
United Kingdom