Ingrowing Toenail

When a nail has a curved edge, it can easily cause aggravation to the skin alongside it. This situation can very quickly escalate into an ingrowing nail, with bleeding or pus or even extra tissue growing over the nail.

Toenails can break into the skin after a sudden trauma, or gradually irritate over time. Sometimes they change shape with ageing, sometimes there is a genetic tendency.
Whatever has happened to arrive at this point, we know you are experiencing extreme discomfort and want a solution as quickly as possible. They are very difficult to remedy by yourself so we are on hand to help.
We have several different treatment options depending on the problem and your unique circumstances: Nail surgery, Bracing and Maintenance. We also have some tools that may be appropriate for you to use at home to help yourself.
We will always start with a thorough assessment of your foot health, and the problem in hand, before discussing the treatment options with you. In most cases some conservative treatment can be carried out at your first appointment to improve comfort in the short term, before we formulate a long term plan together.

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Soleus Podiatry
Canal Way
TA19 9FE
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